LGC Standards engaged to process 150kg bulk sample for CRM GEMS has engaged LGC Standards to process a 150kg bulk sample from its Galaxy Pegmatite Project into Certified Reference Material!
- CRMs are used as reference samples by labs globally as standards for calibration of assay and testing equipment
- LGC will produce a homogenous bath of a Lithium Ore CRM from the sample.
The sample of pegmatite material is from a high-propriety target zone and will be shipped for analysis and processing in the coming weeks.
LGC is a leading producer of CRMs in the processing of pegmatite material and is internationally recognized with a wide network of customers and partners that are potential end-users of reference samples produced from the Galaxy sample.
Plus, GEMS recently send multiple samples from Galaxy for assay and is currently active on the project with an extended program including further sampling, trenching and blasting of the 30 identified pegmatites.