RE:Same Troll-boy-different namesLOL... dude you've officially gone off the deep end ...
- you think everybody who doesnt pump this garbage stock is one person posting under diff names in a bizarre conspiracy "to mess with PHD"
- you have me and them on Ignore yet almost every single one of your posts is only about the people you say you have on ignore
- you think I / we (?) are an disgruntle ex-employee of the company even thought the company has no employees
- your hilarious posts on the CEO board suggest you are completely out of touch w reality (I love the one where you claimed you already sold half your shares)
So just to set you straight ...
There are no "disgruntled ex-employees;
can't speak for the others but I have only one User Account here;
its comically obvious you don't have anybody on ignore as all you to is continually respond, usually w insults; .
the company is beyond flat broke, past financings attempts have been dismal failures and they are trading at a nickel, when they trade at all - the company is on life support and the mystery financing you continually refer to was announced back July 1st only it never happened
you talk of mining plans on CEO on a play THEY HAVEN'T EVEN DRILLED and have no ability to drill. If tomorrow they announced they raised a quarter of a million dollars - it still wouldn't be enough to settle just their Trade Payables ! And the best they managed on their last financing attempt was $121K
Let me know if any of that actually sinks in for you ... ok?