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Datametrex AI Ltd V.DM

Alternate Symbol(s):  DTMXF

Datametrex AI Limited is a technology-focused company with exposure to artificial intelligence, healthcare, and mobile gaming. It is focused on collecting, analyzing and presenting structured and unstructured data using machine learning and artificial intelligence. The Company's products include AnalyticsGPT, Cyber Security, and Healthcare. AnalyticsGPT platform scans vast data streams from social media, news, blogs, forums, messengers, enterprise data, and the dark Web, creating predictive analytics. Cyber Security is a deep analytics platform that captures, structures, and visualizes vast amounts of unstructured social media data, which is used as a discovery tool that allows organizations to make decisions. It offers Nexa Products, which consists of NexaSecurity and NexaSMART. Healthcare consists of Imagine Health Centres, a multidisciplinary healthcare facility, and Medi-Call, a telehealth platform. The Company also offers a mobile blockchain game, Cereal Crunch.

TSXV:DM - Post by User

Comment by mutjwoon Nov 09, 2022 4:18pm
Post# 35086478

RE:RE:Medi-Call big potential to blow

RE:RE:Medi-Call big potential to blow The report found that, at 8 a.m. every day during September, 946 people were waiting in an Ontario emergency department for a hospital bed — a 45 per cent increase from September 2021, and a jump of seven per cent from August.
People can't even get basic care, as a Canadian i am furious, as an investor, this gives Medi-Call a tremendous path way to grow its patient base, subscriptions and grow as a telehealth medical service provider
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