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Canadian Pacific Kansas City Ltd T.CP

Alternate Symbol(s):  CP

Canadian Pacific Kansas City Limited operates a single-line transnational railway linking Canada, the United States and Mexico, with unrivaled access to ports from Vancouver to Atlantic Canada to the Gulf of Mexico to Lazaro Cardenas, Mexico. It operates over 20,000 route miles and provides North American customers unparalleled rail service and network reach to key markets across the continent. It transports bulk commodities, merchandise, and intermodal freight. It offers a suite of freight transportation services, logistics solutions and supply chain expertise. It transports ethanol from production areas in the Midwest United States to key consumer markets across the Northeast United States. It serves various markets, including Canadian grain; United States grain; bulk; intermodal; automotive; forest and industrial products; transload, and energy, chemicals and plastics. Its network connects assembly and auto parts plants and distribution centers to serve the automotive industry.

TSX:CP - Post by User

Comment by rad10on Nov 11, 2022 6:56am
Post# 35090680

RE:RE:RE:Wide MOAT stocks

RE:RE:RE:Wide MOAT stocks60 quality names is not unreasonable, but it gets to the stage where indexing makes more sense. Chefboy strikes me as someone who has realized that the microcap stocks are often scams.

There are several great "tells" and one of the best is vicious trolling.  If you are factual and contribute useful info that is honest and contradicts the narrative - vicious trolling is a sure way of confirming the stock is smoke and mirrors.

I outed a blow hard CEO who made false claims about his MJ crop.  A nice road trip in rural Ontario confirmed that investors were being misled about fields being "fully planted".  I did get several private messages thanking me, but the trolling was hilarious.  Needless to say this company has lost over 90% of its value and has a new better CEO. Some of the debt offering may be worth a look as she tries to get the company onto a stable footing.

Another great example was Nobilis health.  I treat back pain day in day out.  Their "ground breaking revolutionary patented scope" with TV infomercials and glossy pamphlets was absolute BS. I point it out with articles from spine and the journal of bone and joint surgery - and I'm the bad guy who has all sorts of sexual predilections!!  Too funny.  Needless to say they went bust , but not before a couple of BNN talking heads got a bunch of moronic sheep to buy the stock.

As for HUGE.....  lol where would you like to start!

you could take the view that sheep deserve to be made into wool and lamb chops.  Anyone buying these garbage companies deserves what they get.  Hard to argue, but if you do have legal access to asymmetric information through professional expertise or the ability to drive past an outdoor grow in rural Ontario - why not be a good guy and throw your fellow investors a bone.  They may not have use for it if they really are sheep, but a few will listen and save their hard earned cash.

karma is good!


Goldy63 wrote:
martindale wrote:
Chefboy69 wrote: are the way to invest...

anyone want to start a railway company tomorrow??

HAve fun all

LoL ya ok poser, you claim to own CP and what 60 other stocks? You fill most of 5 pages of the CP board talking to yourself but troll Micro stock boards like BAY?.... you and your boiler room group need to up your game,... no one who plays $100. Stocks spends time trolling on micro stock boards... they may dabble in them but, they would not bash a stock they own... up your game FryBoy, no self respecting Chef would ever call themselves Boy, the conotation is poor optics.. not to mention a chef has earned respect not ridicule... Boy/Poser... what’s your next recommendation? BELL?  ROGERS? Amazon? Go bash some more micro stocks.. oh by the way today your on dish duty...  
Yikes . To Funny . And Chefboy R D owns this play while bahing on huge multiple boards and micro stocks ?. Yup a poser .And yes Bay huge Ultra high  Copper grades Martin and more to come but hey Da Chef Boy knows that . GLTA Here . Read on . Chef . Called AE A bail And Now This ? Bye Loser
Chefboy69....Stock Board Poser?
// // // // // // Hey Chefboy, since you felt it necessary to pop into the HUGE board and talk shite, I thought I'd do a bit of digging.....I went through your history, you're right gotta love that feature, and I noticed something seems you post everywhere and have claimed to own or have owned shares in 60 stocks, PPR, GTE, WRG, ESN, TD, BNS, MFC, BMO, RY, CP, CN, SU, BAM.A, T(telus), BIPC, IPL, KS, AFM, GDNP, DARE, BRY, IDVR, BHNG, TDOC, CCXI, IPPLF, HEXO, XAG, MJNA, DGS, ENTG, EMH, GNOG, BPY, GGO, FTG, WBE, PRV.UN, SKYE, NU, CGX, BTCC, WEF, INSHF, SAYFF, CARA, FIRE, BUG, LABS, AIMVP, NWX, AGH.H, NDVA, CVX, LFCOF, KATFF, MAR.UN, T.WEED, IONC, DKNG......and that's just what you admitted to on the Stockhouse boards within the past 9 something I have learned is to call out BS when I see it.....and you certainly qualify Chefboy.......seems we may have poser here folks.

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