BlakelockThanks for the map number Garland. The map presents a different view of the lithology in the area.
a) I'm sensing that the magnetic feature may be a thrust fault (east flank over west flank), which then, in time, turned on its side (mountain building), with the west flank turning over a little more. Or could the magnetic feature represent an anticline that has been faulted off in 2 places?
b) the east flank is steeply dipping to the east, while the west flank seems to be moderately dipping to the east.
c) referring to the GEOTEM map, you will see on the east flank that the south flight line (6370S) has 2 anomalies, while the north lines have only 1 anomaly each. This is an indication that the conductor is dipping to the northeast. This is a characteristic of the GEOTEM system (Tx and Rx separation). On the west flank, the opposite shows up. The north lines have 2 anomalies, while the south lines have only 1 anomaly each. This indicates a southeasterly dip.
d) take note of a strong, short conductor located ~700m west of the property boundary. It's about 300m long, with a conductance of 10 siemens. Looks to be close to the contact with the Case Batholith.
e) it seems that the TGS drill hole 54-2 could have been drilled along strike, parallel to the west flank conductor. There wasn't much in the way of sulphides. If drilled northwest, into the conductor, then perhaps there would have been more sulphides.
f) could there be pegmatite (lithium) near the northern edge of the property?
Anyway, these are just my observations