RE:Pelareorep Cost I don't recall the exact dates, but way back in early Phase II I think, ONC had to go through a process of proving commercialablity and prove marketability. I do no recall exactly why, but believed it was part of the phase II requirements at the time to prove to the FDA that the product could be manufacturered on mass and at a reasonable cost.
There was a report done, etc and was all proven with no doubts. It was also issued and discussed in ONC NR releases.
But one of the comments I remember was that ONC stated that they could make all the pelareorep required for all the trails in a small closet in the back of the office. And I think they said in it could be done within 2 weeks.
So, culturing and growing the reoviris is not a complicated process. Then ONC modifies it to become pelareorep.
At the time, ONC also discussed general manufacturing costs (no actual $$$) and noted it is not a costly drug to manufacturer and get to market as compared to other drugs. so, ONC's pelareorep is not a costly drug to make. As for end cost to the health care system, will depend on the BPs, what they buy ONC for, and their markups for overhead and profit.
if you look way back through NRs you should be able to find the commercialization NRs.
So, I would have to assume that as part of ONC's partnering (or buyout discussion) that 'proof of commercialization' report would already be in the hands of any interested BP.
Hope that helps.