Minutes of AGM Dec 4, 2020Show me where the resolutions #6 and #7 were considered and passed at the AGM sincr Chuck decided to cancel the rollback due to the rise in the stock price from 2 cents to 10 cents. "...6. to consider, and if appropriate, to pass, with or without variation, an ordinary resolution to ratify, confirm and approve the consolidation of the Common Shares of the Company on the basis of up to 20 pre-consolidated Common Shares for one post-consolidation Common Share, at the discretion of the Board; and
7. to consider, and if appropriate, to pass, with or without variation, an ordinary resolution of the minority shareholders of the Company to ratify, confirm and approve the issuance by the Company of either: (i) up to 55,000,000 pre-consolidation Common Shares pursuant to the Shares for Debt Agreement dated for reference October 27, 2020, between the Company and Kel-Ex Developments Ltd. (“Kel-Ex”), a company wholly owned by Charles Fipke, the Company’s Chairman of the Board, a related party and Control Person of the Company, for settlement of the Company’s debt to Kel-Ex in the amount of up to CDN$2,750,000 (the “Debt”); or (ii) post-consolidation Common Shares having a deemed price determined in accordance with the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange in settlement of the Debt."