RE:VRFB News Hoping that the demand in electrolytes / Vanadium will increase accordingly...soon.
The US’ current largest vanadium flow battery project, also in California, is a 2MW/8MWh demonstration project in the service area of utility SDG&E. In fact, as the first US state to introduce legislation to support long-duration energy storage (LDES) deployment, California appears likely to be the first major market in the country for VRFBs and other LDES technologies…..
H2 Inc’s is the latest in a series of vanadium flow battery factory announcements, as well as announcements around raw materials extraction and processing and electrolyte manufacturing to feed those factories.
Most recently, plans for a possible VRFB gigafactory in Saudi Arabia were revealed by Indian flow battery company Delectrik and its Saudi partner, Tdafoq earlier this month. In October, Japanese energy company Idemitsu invested into a vanadium extraction plant in Australia, with various entities looking to establish extraction, electrolyte production and manufacturing capabilities in the country.
Access to vanadium and electrolyte to make finished products with may be the key limiting factor for VRFBs once market demand picks up.