Those who don't know-this is a High profit OPERATING MINE TRQ Press-release
From a production perspective, we increased our gold production guidance for the year and are on track to meet our revised copper production guidance.
During the quarter we made excellent progress on the underground project as we fired the 7th drawbell and started commissioning the second truck chute. By early November subsequent to the quarter end, we had fired another four drawbells, all ahead of schedule. Given progress to date, and considering natural caving conditions, we continue to expect to achieve sustainable production from Panel 0 in the first quarter of 2023 which is earlier than originally anticipated.
We believe that our third quarter has put us in a good position to end the year with a robust operation and with the project poised to reach a major milestone in the first quarter of 2023.
Regarding the transaction with Rio Tinto and its impact on the future of the Company.
If our minority shareholders approve the transaction we will proceed with the orderly wind-up and delisting of the Company and will ensure that our employees are treated fairly and respectfully throughout that process.
If the transaction does not proceed, we will continue to manage the Company on a standalone basis. Our immediate priority will be to address our liquidity requirements by implementing all elements of the binding funding Heads of Agreement with Rio Tinto.
Oyu Tolgoi is a tier one, low cost, high grade operation with a long life of mine that will deliver value for Turquoise Hill stakeholders for decades to come.”
So hang on to your hats, this is a GOLDEN Goose and no one stupid kills the GOLDEN goose.