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Trillion Energy International Inc. C.TCF

Alternate Symbol(s):  C.TCF.WT | TRLEF

Trillion Energy International Inc. is a Canada-based oil and gas producing company that strives to maximize shareholder value through a mix of offshore gas development and high-impact oil and gas exploration in Cudi-Gabar province SE Turkey. The Company is 49% owner of the South Akcakoca Sub-Basin (SASB) natural gas field, a natural gas development project with four offshore platforms, pipelines and gas plant located in shallow water black sea. The Company also has the Vranino 1-11 block, a prospective unconventional natural gas property in Bulgaria.

CSE:TCF - Post by User

Comment by fleamarketon Nov 15, 2022 11:34pm
Post# 35102041


RE:Datesther'w going to be a storm an this is hitting 44.4445. before thit ends. hope onot but it's a rising tide
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