I stated only FACTS. lets look shall we ??FACT #1 The russians and their psychopath murdering leader was stated on CNN, CNBC AND other stations and reffered to him by a psychologist as EXACTLY THAT.
FACT # 2 The russians and their murdering leader are investigated and WILL be tried for WAR CRYMES. Again, ALL the stations said and I quote; The things we have found and witnessed and documented are ALL WAR CRYMES.
FACT# 3 Chump the trump is the WORST EX president in the USA hystory. Again a fact stated everyone with the exception of FOx news.
He did insight the INSURECTION and that is FACT #4 for which he has yet to go to jail for.
So I have stated only FACTS and since chump is a total IDIOT as known by all educated people everywhere, I have again stated a FACT.
I REST MY CASE until chump is made to testify and goes to jail which he deserves 100%.