Also you know ZERO about the Ukrainians. I was there TWICE in the last 10 years in Kiev and Odessa, how about you loudmouth ??????
I talked to people there, met many I know personally and they all want to be like us Candians. They have their own businesses, nice cars and they try to build restaurants and entartainments accomodations to emulate us in the west. They WANT TO BE FREE and they HATE NAZIS which if you knew anything, stems from WW2. Almost all Europeans DO NOT LIKE russians and that stems from long before the wars. It is how they act and think. Most are UNEDUCATED YES UNEDUCATED and the soldiers act like primitive cavemen and if you need proof just watch some videos of the ATTROCITIES THEY have done. You have to be INHUMAN to do the things WE ALL IN THE WORLD HAVE PROOF OF THAT THEY DID. Are you a primitive as well ??? It sure sounds like it. And denazification ??? The dummy soldiers believed that and when they got there WHALA , they phoned home and talked to their wifes and mothers asking; WHERE ARE THE NAZIS?? ALL WE SEE IS UKRAINIANS . It would be funny if it wasn't totally retarded. That can only be attributed to uneducated primitive way of thinking.
My god the cavemen had more smarts than these russians.