RE:I have to laugh since BNN Tira weber is sooo dumbMuffybell1 wrote: She points to lithium mining and the environmental concerns. What does she think Suncor, Syncrude, Muskeg river (Shell) do ??? Just drive by the plants in the middle of a cold day in winter by the tailings.
It looks TEN TIMES WORSE than if you looked at Mars or any of our outer planets in our solar system.
It is the Most Depressing site I persoanlly have ever seen. MINING you say ??? Just go there and THAN TALK. I was in the plants for many years, although in the office environment until I retired due to my investments thank god early way before most can, but I drove through the mine sites and it was brutal. So don't tell me that oil is NOT DIRTY. IVN has white glove mining compared to those clowns up north.
Ahh.. so you were the janitor.. that explains alot..! Was wondering how someone with such low self esteem and terrible grammar skills made it to the office.! LOL..!