RE:About John Heinzl's model div growth portfolio..Hey Bossu
I hope all is going well for you these days and congrats on your AlA timing, You played that baby beautifully.
Just one really important comment - if an investor's portfolio generates more dividend income than they need for all expenses, then it doesn't matter what the market does. The only thing it will affect is how big the inheritance is.
Take care
bossu wrote: It's a copy of what SargeX is following and a winning investment for '' investors'' looking for sound investment.
Cannot be better but :''What is your ''feeling when you see your ''sound'' investment going down even with a
5,5 % yearly reward.
Just to say, that you have to have good nerves and not sure if the ''new comer'' can handle!
Best example with the TSE index: Assuming a $ 1,0 M investment in your porfolio at the beginning of 2022 is a $ 55 000 yearly potential reward when the TSE was at 21 500 and have been down at 18 000 for a paper loss and a reduce reward at this time of 17 % to rebound at 19 957 at the moment for a better picture,
No body know where the market is going forward.
Or down or up but the ''Key'' is your age and investment horizon !
The younger you are, the Sarge X and John Heinzl's model is a very good example .
You may have an ultra sound investment but the market will not take note.
Nobody know !