PRETTY QUIET AROUND HEREI re-read th latest corporate update from last month, so it`s no big secret the entire industry has its back up against the wall...however there do seem to be some catalysts to underpin players in the sector.
AGRA - although decimated as it may be, looks like it will survive. And if so you just gotta think that these give away shares at a lousy penny just might be the play of 2023.
Economic headwinds and too much regulation within the industry have made it a difficult road to navigate.
Legitimate players face massive hurdles that black market and medicinal LP`s don`t, we need to level the playing field so equal opportunity can be achieved.
If nothing else, with the current TLSS pretty much here I think AGRA is shaping up to be a real good trade for early into 2023 - I`ll call it a 10 bagger from the current 1 cent share give away.
Soon we should see some revenue numbers, and while the profit - if any - won`t be off the charts, the market is at the very least looking for stability which should signal the turn around the long retail investor has been patiently waiting for.
I think a year from now those who have the intestinal fortitude to be loading up here at a penny will be very happy.
All IMHO of course, a sector turn around - if and when - will herald in explosive returns on micro-cap penny stocks like AGRA