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American Eagle Gold Corp V.AE

Alternate Symbol(s):  AMEGF

American Eagle Gold Corp. is a Canada-based company, which is focused on exploring its NAK copper-gold porphyry project in west-central British Columbia, Canada. Its NAK property is located in the Babine Copper-Gold Porphyry district in central British Columbia. The property is also close to the past-producing Bell and Granisle open pit Cu-Au mines. The NAK property has logistical advantages and can be accessed via well-maintained forest production roads from Topley Landing. The NAK copper-gold porphyry deposit occurs in the Stikine Island Arc Terrane, which hosts many copper porphyry deposits in British Columbia. In addition, NAK is associated with Babine Intrusive Suite, which is Eocene age and locally hosts the Bell, Granisle, Morrison, Hearne Hill and Dorothy/Duke copper-gold deposits. The NAK Project is easily accessible from the mining Town of Smithers, located 80 kilometers (km) to the SW, and connected via highway and rail to BC ports.

TSXV:AE - Post by User

Comment by CLOUDERon Nov 18, 2022 3:55pm
Post# 35111525


RE:RE:GRASGERGi`m getting the feeling i should have bought more.......don`t you?
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