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Veren Inc T.VRN

Alternate Symbol(s):  VRN

Veren Inc. is a Canada-based oil producer with assets in central Alberta and southeast and southwest Saskatchewan. The principal activities of the Company are acquiring, developing and holding interests in petroleum and natural gas properties and assets related thereto through a general partnership and wholly owned subsidiaries. Its core operational areas include Kaybob Duvernay and Alberta Montney, Shaunavon and Viewfield Bakken. Its Kaybob Duvernay is situated in the heart of the condensate rich fairway, Central Alberta, which provides low risk drilling inventory. Its Alberta Montney assets sit adjacent to its Kaybob Duvernay lands, possessing similar resource characteristics including pay thickness and permeability in the volatile oil fairway of the reservoir. Its Shaunavon resource play is located in southwest Saskatchewan. The Viewfield Bakken light oil pool is located in Saskatchewan.

TSX:VRN - Post by User

Comment by JTPloughson Nov 21, 2022 4:52am
Post# 35114543

RE:RE:RE:US holiday Nov 24th

RE:RE:RE:US holiday Nov 24th
DocHuck wrote: Really, Moe, are you saying the John Plows would indulge in fraud yet again.Right out of Canaanr ,. DocHuck , Doodlebug, playbook. You would have expected the inbred cheat would have learned by now, guess not .He is however supported by all my other fake accounts created for one thing and one thing only , To irritate harrass and be vulgar, I am an incompetent investor but make an ok troll waste I'm hoping this time I will be called up to the Big Leagues instead of being released like my last 4 or 5 creations. I know I am so stupid I should not be allowed out without being on a leash, couldn't find my way home in the dark after putting on a dress and transforming into "Molly" .....  Cheers,   John Trevor Plows.
  Please keep your posts about CPG... no one cares about your "issues" here .... If you need to talk to someone, there is always Dr. Phil or Oprah .... Thanks

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