RE:What’s the futur Yes the future looks great if we take our time .
Now the future share price of the new co will come from the result of management decisions.
There is still a big cloud above Abcourt and it is the $15m financing needed to get SG in production.
Let's not give away 50% of all properties in Abcourt and now Pershimex also just to get the $15m needed.
When SG produces 20k oz a year at AISC of $1500ca and the Ca price of gold is $3000ca that
would result in $1500 x 20k oz = $ revenue and we would also still be owning 100% of all
our other properties..
I would prefer owning 5% of all Abcourt assets to owning 2.5% even if it takes a few more years to
get SG in full production.