BIOV OUR SP SHOULD NOT BE TRADING DOWN HERE! I SAY IT AGAIN!A world full of caios explains why we are trading down here....and the camel really broke it's back with the bitcoin crash and the current tremors from that crash 2 weeks ago. BUT BUT no way with all that we have going should we be trading under @20.
Ya ya ya I hear ya it is what is............BUT DANG da dang .....SHOW ME THE MONEY BIOV!!!
FDA..........give us a simple one for the holiday season (respecting all cultures).....APPROVAL PAPILOCARE!! just give us a kiss FDA!! lol That would be instant revenues and a product DESPERATELY NEEDED!!
For over a decade Papilocare has been saving lives!! That is data at it's finest.
Yes, the biggy is the vaccines...but I am humble and ask for a little kiss approval FDA Papilocare!
Get that shyte on the shelves!! $$ REVENUES$$$$