Don't eat Peggys BSI've been in this game for 43 years myself and you are wrong. It does not take millions of shares trading suspiciously to attract IIROC attention. They are looking for price manipulation on a daily basis.
I had shares in a company whose trading pattern was almost identical to this and IIroc halted it for a month or more while they investigated. It reopened lower and never recovered.
Yesterday Avn traded close to 1 MILLION shares on all exchanges combined.The WEEK of Nov14-19 they traded 260,846 shs on the main tsx board. The first 3 DAYS of this week [21-23] they traded 677,313 shs on tsx alone. Apparently Raymond James has a bigger US presence than Beacon or Cormark so they can generate US buying. I imagine they will want their clients back onside asap Bear in mind that trading has to be in an orderly fashion to avoid suspicion. You can't safely take it up 15-20% daily or 100% in one day without red flags going up.
I imagine clients of the previous $1+ pp are still ticked off and now you have a new batch who will be phoning their broker/advisor asking questions. No wonder it is tough finding pp subscribers.
If you were a broker or advisor would you willingly participate or do as you are told if you were asked to support the stock? jmho
I imagine iiroc would look into past trading and withholding material news. I am annoyed I bought in when Bruce said the pp was over subscribed at .90 cents and it was trading at $1.00. Now insiders and clients can buy peoples shares off them for .47- .64 cents. Others have no cash and are offside hugely.