Laurie, Ciao and Used ProphylacticMonday, July 18th, 2016, the share price of Czo closed at $2.28 with 3.60M sghares traded, this week in of Nov 22-24 we have seen the share price drop once again under extreme buying pressure from the TSX trading community, 1 trade monday, 2trades Tuesday, 1trade Wed, and 2 Trades today for a whopping total of maybe 20,000 shares for the week, i do not even think we have traded a total of 1m shares in the entire year. Unfortunately this week's trading in not unusal but the norm.
All the garbage talk about how Czo is the next thing to slice bread is just garbage, the numbers do not lie, investors are steer away from Czo and will continue until the failure of gagnon and his hand pick management team (increased costs in 3rd qrtr. The numbers do not lie, 3 qrtr triple wammy, decreased profit, increased costs and lower r&d investment all under gagnon leadership. 5 FFFF trades in 4 days last week was the same, the weeks before was the same and so on, from $2.28/share in 2016 to 0.72 in Nov 2022, from 3.60 million shares traded in a day to what leass than 20,000 in an entire week, leass than 1m in a year.
Something is terribly wrong here and it starts with leadership