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Trillion Energy International Inc. C.TCF

Alternate Symbol(s):  C.TCF.WT | TRLEF

Trillion Energy International Inc. is a Canada-based oil and gas producing company that strives to maximize shareholder value through a mix of offshore gas development and high-impact oil and gas exploration in Cudi-Gabar province SE Turkey. The Company is 49% owner of the South Akcakoca Sub-Basin (SASB) natural gas field, a natural gas development project with four offshore platforms, pipelines and gas plant located in shallow water black sea. The Company also has the Vranino 1-11 block, a prospective unconventional natural gas property in Bulgaria.

CSE:TCF - Post by User

Post by Goldy63on Nov 25, 2022 10:08am
Post# 35127947

Humm . Our Nat / Gas Is Going To Needed HUGE .Read On

Humm . Our Nat / Gas Is Going To Needed HUGE .Read On LNG shortage is so bad germany major manufacturer of add blue is halting production. Legally deisal trucks should and cannot operate due to emissions. Big problem hopefully people read into this before deciding to sell or are on the fence of buying in. It's not just heat and power affected. It's literally the whole trucking industry could collapse due to add blue shortage which is solved by our sweet sweet LNG!
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