quinlash - (11/28/2022 1:21:44 PM)
Facts on Current Shareprice
The current shareprice today is lower than that where the insiders last bought on the open market ($1.73)
If you go to the Insiders tab - be sure to click on 'Transaction' and select 'Public Market Buys'. You will see the ONE buy in Nov/21 at 1.73, TWO buys in 2020 and TWO buys in 2019.
The TOTAL SHARES BOUGHT by those 5 transactions was around 370,000 - worth about $80,000 in today's dollars.
NOTE - there were ZERO Buys in 2022 - which would include all the current Insiders
This isn't something a 'competent' pumptard should use to promote Hexo Current shareprice is lower than where current insiders have been granted their options (.25 and higher)
Hexo Insiders were granted Options
Jun/22 6.0 million at .28 cents
Aug/22 340,000 at .26 cents
Nov/22 460,000 at .25 cents
So, queentard would have you believe that it's a 'good thing' for Insiders to be given Options - at ZERO risk? The retail investor has to actually gamble his own cash This isn't something a 'competent' pumptard would use to pump Hexo Current Pricing is lower than 50 and 200 day moving average
https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/HEXO.TO/technical-analysis Here's some news for you - current pricing is lower than the 3 YEAR average.
THAT'S a good thing? 10 year lows is the best a pumptard can use? Current Insider trading report shows zero selling while the same report from other Cannabis companies show some level of selling over the last year
Post some actual numbers - vague statements like this are nonsense.
Unlike other companies, Hexo Insiders own virtually no Common Shares - showing a complete lack of confidence in the company they run.
If they DID have shares - of course, they wouldnt sell at .20 cents, having purchased them much higher.
Why would a competent pumptard tell readers that Hexo Insides dont have any shares to sell? He wouldn't. Current Price to Sales Ratio data indicates that the shares are trading at the lowest ratio of others within the sector
https://ycharts.com/companies/HEXO.TO/ps_ratio So what The PS Ratio isn't sued to determine share price.
The PS ratio while serving a purpsoe is a childish, amateur measure that doesnt take into account Cash on Hand and Debt.
And fair comparisons arent made in a broad sector - to be fair and realsitic, you use companies with roughly the same market cap, same revenue, same debt, same everything. An incompetent pumptard selects the one fiancnial ratio he's learned - and then uses it incorrectly to pumptard his stock Zacks shows HEXO Corp as a Strong Buy (1) vs the next runner up being Canopy Growth as a (2) - Buy.
https://www.zacks.com/stock/quote/HEXO?q=HEXO ONE anaylts shows a buy - the rest shows Hold or Sell. In fact, very few analysts are even covering Hexo - once Hexo dropped it's guidance and quit doing things like 'Investor Presentations'. Zacks also rated Hexo a Buy last sping - share price has dropped from .80 cents to .20 cents. Zack's is one opinion - and it's a guess just like everyone else's Can you tell us some other analysts ratings pumptard?
Or is it fair you just cherry pick the single, lone, solitary one that suits you? Traders can do what they want when it comes to the trading of shares but to those who think they will be able to talk me into selling with their nonsense on a Stock Forum... those folks can "get bent".. I will let go of a handful of shares at a decent profit once the shareprice starts trading at something reasonable
No-one wants YOUR shares specifically. They're toxic and smell bad. Decent profit? You've posted your average cost is in the $1.00 range.
Keep your .05 penny shares - there's no lineup.
Sad. Pathetic. Pumptard.