VIDEO!!!! Dont miss exitement!!! Oh Hiya EVERYONE!!! I hope EVERYONE is having the BEST day!!!
Newz yesterday and now a VIDEO!!! All about low low grade Eaglehead and stuff.
Kinda stuff we already know but some more details and stuff.
Elmer sayz they got the permit in early November and that they CONTINUE TO INVESTIGATE possablity of getting the 43-101 resource estimate back after it POOF!!! Disapeared!!! I think it was 2017??? Carmax did the estimate in 2012. Copper fox swooped in like 2014 and diviorced from Carmax now District Copper in like 2018.
Seemz Copperfox metals inc did not do enough diligence on low low grade Eaglehead RE and had to scrub itz referinces to the estimate... EWE!!!
There was a report later on Eaglehead with recommendationz to get back to a 43-101 resoure estimate they "continue to investagate" that possabilty only like 4 yearz later...
If I hear Elmer rite they looked at 70-80 drill corez and found those new traces of metals anounced yesterday. And I dont hear Elmer Stewert CEO and President speaking confident about drilling Eaglhead next year but I dunno. Seemz there is SLOW and then there is EAGLEHEAD SLOW.
Just what Im seein an stuff. I dunno.
Have the BEST day EVERYONE!!! ^_^