RE:Shell acquiring euro biogas cointeresting link thanks
Worldwide expansion of "industrial scale" Danish Biomethane tech now driven by Shell and deep pockets.
Any comparison between EVGN 'n them is big picture market defining only . Who are the players and what do they have in their arsenal as means to deal with Canadian local municipal waste and manure? Europe is ahead of us in many ways and this is just one of them.
It is all about technology learning in growth and Nature Energy owns and operates 14 industrial scale biomethane plants and an international development pipeline of about 30 plants across Europe and North America.
Like EVGN the company applies a design-build-own-operate model to all its projects.
Both turn waste and manure into affordable energy and the entire process is environmentally friendly in quantifiable ways
The 1000 LB gorilla Nature Energy Canada Inc.
204 rue du Saint-Sacrement
Bureau 300
CA-Montral (Quebec) H2Y 1W8 Canada