Old TurkeyIn the trading classic "Reminiscences of a Stock Operator" by Edwin Lefevre there is a story of a rich investor who got called Old Turkey by others at the brokerage firm who was advised by one of the other customers to sell a rising stock in the expectation of being able to buy it back cheaper. He resisted the suggestion - politely but very strongly - because he did not want to "lose his position" - he'd made that mistake in his life and didn't want to do so again. it was a bull market - that's all he needed to know. Tomorrow there will be temptation for us to "take profits", hope to buy back cheap, daytrade, etc.
But GENM is going to be a mine - I don't want to lose my position.
Many of us have been ridiculed over the past year or two for suggesting this stock will get to $5+ (or perhaps ++) - to the point where we could make a mistake.
Enjoy the ride! If I get tempted to try and make a quick buck tomorrow I'll head out to the coffee shop and quit watching the quotes.
BTW - If you've never read Reminiscences you're in for a real treat - very readable, very wise.