This Pretty Well Says It AllIvanhoe Mines is a leading Canadian mining company developing and operating its four principal mining and exploration projects in Southern Africa: expanding the operations of the world-class Kamoa-Kakula mining complex in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC); building the tier-one Platreef palladium, rhodium, nickel, platinum, copper and gold development in South Africa; restarting the historic, ultra-high-grade Kipushi zinc-copper-lead-germanium mine in the DRC; as well as exploring the expansive exploration licences of Ivanhoe's Western Foreland for copper discoveries adjacent to Kamoa-Kakula.
Unbelievable high grades, low C1 costs and to get much lower with the phase 3 smelter, paying everything off with existing productions, basically no debt, does it get any better folks.
Lets not forget huge PROFITS coming down the pipe.
Also, in time we will get some drill results from WF AND Platreef that could blow things wide open. Commodity supply shortages will give many metals we mine a huge boost, and IVN is well positioned to take full advantage of this and for years to come.
Jan 8/23 is also fast approaching folks.