Osk can't be a dumb as Fruit and Company
Ok, I do not have the mining skills of our Bashturds, but more food for thought, for those who want to think? .. and then tell me again that I am wrong ? ...you're welcome and perhaps just for a pondering.
another perspective for OSK is that they are sitting on a pile of gold in the ground. This becomes like unsold inventory of other businesses. Any and all company needs to move inventory to maximize profit. That is why “on time delivery ante-covid was the new normal” There IS a COST factor to product on the shelf, or in gold mining, gold in the ground. We all know this is not farming and the gold does not grow back. However let us be real. Osisko can pull out 8g/t from Windfall as advertised. So let’s do the math that Fruit does not like… 8g/t x 1800t/d x 320 days a year operating divided by 31 ..gives just under 150,000 ounces of gold bars. With their AISC that is going to translate into easily $150,000,000 a year PROFIT ON THE BOOKS. That makes for an additional $750,000,000 dollars of unrealized profit for those 5 years they do not get back. That then is ANOTHER BILLIONish that OSK shareholders today are being railroaded out of. Why you ask ? Well because there is so much gold in Urban Barry that the management NOW will be decades in the ground dead, before all the gold is rooted up from this massive camp. So a CEO that has yet to be born can look back at the ball droppers and say THANK YOU VERY MUCH !! Let’s not kid ourselves, current OSK managers cannot be so, shall I say ? STUPID. To think that not turning the asset of gold in the ground to cash asap is not wise ? .. double negative boyz …GIT R DONE !!! MATH IS MATH ..NO MORE FRUITY CALCULATOR … OSK is reading this to and the shareholders ..and THEY KNOW .. I could get this deal done in a week .. Fair value boyz ..break out the fine wine and 60 dollar sticks .