SCYB 65% ownership Cybeats-CYBT - Microsoft and Google Very Very Interesting :-) hope everyone caught this
Microsoft and Google working with Cybeats see link attached
5 Key takeaways from Microsoft and Google’s webinar on SBOM (
Item TakeAway 3 2nd Paragraph
"In the webinar, Microsoft showcases Cybeats SBOM Studio as a leading SBOM consumption tool that provides licensing intelligence for SBOMs and comprehensive and robust risk identification and assessment of known vulnerabilities."
Item TakeAway 5 last subjecT Paragraph
"Preparing for the coming change
When Microsoft and Google put aside their differences and rally around a common concern, we should pay close attention. And with industry stakeholders quickly driving SBOM adoption and regulation, the time for action is now.
SBOM compliance will likely soon be required up and down the software chain, so companies need to position themselves in a changing, tumultuous software landscape. Without sufficient preparation, companies will be more than just vulnerable to increasingly sophisticated attacks – they will also struggle to comply and fall behind those competitors that can.
Recognized by IT consultant Gartner as a leading SBOM management tool to conduct supply chain screening and showcased by two of the biggest tech companies in the world, Cybeats SBOM Studio is ready to help you meet these challenges head on."
This is amazing reading between the lines that Cybeats is working with both Microsoft and Google... 2 tech Giants..
Extremely Happy for Cybeats and its Technology :-)