Every day HPQ is getting closer to becoming the dominant Supplier of Silicon metal to a massive clientel of the who's who's of industrial giants...and all user's of Si metal...The first new process for making Si metal in 100 years....that deserves a much bigger SP....the first sales will guarantee a much bigger SP than our previous high of $1.6+...time time time is on our side...scaleability will make every investor rich....what are the plans to start building the vast amount of QRR furnaces needed to make the large volumes of Si metal for the world's demand ....I see HPQ becoming the dominant supplier for Si metal real soon..and a blue chip share price ....a market worth $38 + billions that can only grow once it has better greener , lower cost , high quality Si metal in massive quantities....Ka Ching !! $$$$$....the wait will be worthwhile.....uncleron is always right !..cheers...