RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:the million shares today ?
Idle, a bad investment is one that I lost money on. No doubt this is a delayed investment. However the stock market game does provide good and bad timing. How long can you hold onto the mechanical bull? I have never bought a stock hoping for 10 or 15 baggers, but that would be nice. My goals are much less lofty. So with that a persons dollar doubles in 7 years. I have averaged down and can be convinced that my money will quadruple in 10 years. THAT IS AN AMAZING INVESTMENT. Now if I invested a grand, then after 10 years I have a nice dicounted vacation. Don't any one worry about me ....hahaha .. not that I suspect anyone is. However I expect a substantial ROI on BTR. I keep buying and boy does one's average come down quickly with this fallen angel. Osisko's stock also has not done well for the money invested in just the drilling. But that is ok also, because payday is arriving in Urban Barry. This is not Bonterra competing with Osisko or Visa Versa. This is about making all the right dicisions to make an enormous ROI for already rich people. Idle we are just bottom feeders. What are the drivers in play? .. well for sure its production. Both need gold being poured into bars. Then the value of the past drilling and a combined 10 milliion ounces will adjust the shareprice. Then as we know Bachelor can be upgraded to 3600t/d with effort and political will. Then the new dream mill can be arranged as the raising of money will be at higher values. What is the difference between a gold company having a producer in two countries or two mills in one country 60 miles apart. You just have to have the Brinks truck pick up the gold at Windfall, drive the mining road to Bachelor then off to the secret facility in where ever (wink). The paperwork gets a staggering number attached to it, the OSK accountant types this number on a spread sheet. The stock goes from the current peanut number to a number I can only dream to be true. Remember Idle, we know that Urban Barry is much larger than 30 million ounces. We have 10 already. The truth is no one knows how big this monster is. So lets figure it out and merge to have this investment worth an insane ROI .. I may be stupid, but I'm in !!!