RE:Why are people buying at $0.02 Lottery.
They will certainly announce some other projects once they accept the offer to clear the debt and to close the Selat Panjang partnership.
So people are taking their lottery tickets to flip them in the next pump & dump.
Kirk said that he will resign from the Company subsequent to closure of the Selat Panjang partnership. So we can expect to be shortly, certainly before year end. There's no reason for him to stay any longer without salary.
ark88 wrote: I'm quite surprised that we're trading at 0.015 - 0.02 and instead of people selling into the large bid at 0.015, they're buying into the 0.02 ask.
If Management signs the Settlement Agreement, then we're done with Selat Panjang.
Are people buying at 0.02 a bet that we get something out of Selat panjang?
Or is it a bet that we'll have another prospect?
either way, we'll need money to continue.