RE:Big Pharma Question for The Resident ExpertsWhy would big pharma be interested in a complicated proceedure vs a pill they can easily manufacture and distri ute.
Dave at Bare Oaks
plantrader wrote: Is it generally true that big pharma tends to prefer to let the smaller companies struggle on their own until such time drug/treatment approval is achieved, before making a buyout offer, as a way to de-risk their investment? This obviously could mean waiting longer & it definitely means they'd pay a lot more. For more of a sure thing versus spending much less (much sooner) on something that's riskier & might not pan out.
Is that generally true? Or is it generally the opposite, they'd prefer to pay less and assume more risk to obtain a less mature solution sooner. Shotgun approach. Or is it impossible to answer that question because it depends on context and no such generalities to be drawn?
I thought some of you who've been into that pharma industry for many years might have insight on this.