Surge DDFound this on
So many shook ones, had to think about everything once again. Here are my high level thoughts:
- First: we have assays confirming a high grade clay lithium deposit
- We may have a potential nickel discovery in BC
- Both mining areas are in the best jurisdictions in the world
- An auto manufacturer has reached out to the company
- Most of the claim has high levels of lithium throughout the soil
- Greg got rid of the CFO recently, who was likely on the forefront of the last crappy PP proposal
- Allan morris has 37 years geological experience, specifically with lithium (brines)
- All of the assays of the holes released thus far have lithium some up to significant grades of 5000 ppm, one of the highest in the geographical area
- 2 of the 8 initial drill holes are still to be released, and they are positioned on some of the highest lithium soil of the claim
- We have 0 drill holes from the bottom site of the claim, although soils show high levels of Lithium
- Lithium grades found this far are the second highest of the clay mining projects in Nevada, thackers pass being the first
- Lithium in clay is found at the surface, making it easily extractable
- Lithium price is at an all time high
- Nickel is at an all time high
My thoughts, not a geologist, do your own DD.