Free Funds Flow In the past months I read several posts on this forum speaking about Free Funds Flow of $100 million at US$80 WTI.
Now in the 2023 guidance I read $45-50 million Free Funds Flow at 74.8 WTI. Using the sensitivity to oil price would add an extra (5.2÷0.73)×2.147 = $15.3 million to arrive at US$80 WTI, if I understand it correctly (not sure if the 0.73 needs to be included). So that gives about $60-65 million Free Funds Flow at US$80 WTI.
Why this big difference with the $100 million mentioned on this forum? Is it because CAPEX is larger in order to grow production? Do we know how much CAPEX would be needed just to keep production stable?
Or is there another reason?
PS: also reading nb of shares now already at 37,329,901 ...