Numbers never lie, there is ONLY ONE correct answer. So in brapm post he is correct at a 20 bagger. However a merger is going to deliver well beyond this. How do I know ? ..well it is simple, you already have Burzynski selling Windfall at 4 to 6 billion. So a merger now gives us a market cap of pick a number times 3 or 4. So that's 60 bagger if all your shares were acquired at 25 cents. If you have any reader here that has actually bought shares ?? ..and has not averaged down, then they have not thought Urban Barry through. This is a big deal and it is currently at give away pricing, and i am talking both OSK and BTR. There is no cash flow in Urban Barry, that is the nature of the risk/reward of investing in micro caps or juniors. Put your money down and expect the bull to try to throw you off, but if you can hang on ? win. This is crunch time, it took a few years. Good grief, the logic of a merger is just too compelling. Any reader does not need to know mining, but just understand investing. You'll be fine. You can woulda, coulda shoulda your way through investments your entire life, but finding a stock that will pay out is infront of us. Why? .. because Urban Barry is a treasure trove of gold and maybe more. Get this under one roof, cash flow, expertise to drill, expertise of management and this will go well beyond what thought possible. The insdiers are loading up 66.1% the longs gotta bring it to 70%, OSK would not have reliquished their once insider position, even though the games could have them selling off to keep the price low ? they have probably 8% of the stock and won't say a word. So you have 22% left, you have over 6 million shares from that that have not been flipped. So rough math has an active float of what ?? .. 22 million shares ?? ..We are entering J curve area. Wexford has publicly said that we are forsale. Who stand the most to make the most of the deal ? OSK is obviously the best suitor, they were the stinker when nothing was on the books for RE etc. Now they need to decide. Drop the ball ? ..or pick it up and run. Wexford and OSK have done deals before, everyone is a phone call away. They have indicated that JV drilling talks have resumed. Wow, what a coincidence. Maybe a light lunch may lead to supper ?? ..and maybe a wise man like John should keep a ring in their pocket for just that right time to POP the question. Surprise !! hope you have bought an invite to the wedding of the century. I know I did ...