RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Vg is your confirmation! He played you all and now?Mr. Barr. Good to hear you got it figured out! Good for you, and congrats for being your own master, especially now when NOBODY thinks or act NORMAL because the majority of tha ppl. Subscribed and are happy as modern day slaves on their own accord! Oh yes you are all slaves! Yes you are!
The system is and always was rigged, ppl just got used to it! I wrote and will not repeat on the fact that the pope (a joke, since they created religion to keep folks gullible and in line) is the head of the biggest crime organization and IS the real God Father! He is the MOST POWERFULL head of state, even US presidents go to the Vatican to kiss his ring and swear alliance! You guys are still reading text books designed to keep you stupid and misinformed! Like the slaves need to be kept in complete control and as long as you tell them they are free and let them vote in a two party system On the PRE SELECTED few they are happy!
Murder and mayhem and Satanic stuff is their legacy! Going back thousand year +. The U.N., IMF, WHO, WEF ETC. Etc.... are not there for us, it is and how they plan to bring in the NWO! ALL those fancy pency big names are just the tools required and sadly how the noose is tightened! ALL those international agencies are there to usher in complete slavery under the U.N. umbrella! Pay attention bc it is full steam ahead!
In Canada ( we joined the U.N. agenda 2030 under Malroney and again with Harper) so don't kid yourselves bc Canada is as bad as they come! Edmonton, Calgary, Montreal and Ottawa ARE the four "strong cities in Canada where they roll out the U.N. agenda first to see how the sheep takes it up the butt, trust me I see it daily! The major and council are corrupt and in bed with agenda makers ie. UN!
Look up "Jesuits" basically the Vatican's own army, non violent yet the biggest troublemakers in the world by far! The black pope? Look it up! He is white of course but called black pope bc he is the coordinator of all the destruction behind the curtain and his place of safety? The USA! I wish this was some sort of joke......
Said it before and say this again! NOTHING and I mean nothing works or operates the way you were thought in school no matter how fancy university you went to! THAT IS DONE FOR YOU NEED TO STAY DUM!
You are and were lied to and are continually being lied to even now! Take it as you will, here are the biggest lies you though were true and are complete bull Shiite!
The earth is a plane and not a globe! Water does not bend and the theory that gravity somehow keeps water "stuck" on a spinning ball doing 1000mph is a complete farce! Gravity is a THEORY and NOT a fact! Buoyancy and density is what you call gravity! How could a helium balloon rise in gravity! Better yet what if Newton's Apple fell in a pond? It would have floated according to its density! Heavier than air lighter than water! No gravity needed!
Moon landings? Complete bs! Videos galore of and confessions available on ALL non mainstream video sites like bit chute! Arthemis missions today? Go on youtube and lough your head off where REAL scientist mock and destroy the best NASA can post! ALL their stuff is CGI and a joke! Space station footage are green screens! Thousands of sattelites circling us but at night no sign of them? All places on earth are connected with fiber optic cables!
We live in a closed system and can't leave, we or the military knew this since the early 40's but they simply won't disclose it! Why is Antarctica off limits since 1947 or so? Because they found more land beyond! The information is available on ALL of these topics you just need to be curious! "Admiral Byrd operation high jump!" A good starting point for the interested!
Before you start telling me how stupid I am PLEASE lift your lazy butt off the couch and respond with real proofs of your views that can be proven or at least make it interesting!
Have a great weekend.....