RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Side note, Sidebet
Fruit, for all the resources and facts that I can find on the website, because you lie all the time. The stock that you worship is a buck and change. That Fruit is because of the risk/reward. If that was in Canada or the USA it would be 60 bucks. Once again, you want to see what you want in everything. Me too, but why are you here ? it to have someone to talk to ? ..hahaha...good grief, You are one lug head .. Urban Barry is the real gold deal will out preform anything in Mongolia .. Entree has a m/c of 250,000,000 cad. PEANUTS ..BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT ITS WORTH .. URBAN BARRY WILL BE WORTH 11 BILLION IN TWO OR 3 YEARS .. Do you get the picture Fruit ? , i did not think so.. FRUIT WHAT DID KL SELL FOR AND WHY ?? GO DO YOUR RESEARCH, i DID. You cannot even see the forest for the big trees .. meanwhile readers, the float is getting sucked up .. why ? .. we have 20 million shares left, thats a fact, ok 21 million Fruit will complain hahaha. You know what I mean. Keep the buying up .. if OSK thinks they cannot come to the table with fair value, then our fund raising will be at a much higher amount. BTR has BILLIONAIRES BEHIND THEM, OSK and BTR do not need to be taken advantage of by either ... get the bean counters counting and off to the next project ..Fruit, you said you were not going to post anymore ..I guess that was a lie also ? .go figure ..hahaha... Fruit, a genius with the record to prove it..two losses, no wins and a tie ..