Here's another excerpt from that Dow rep's interview The following is another excerpted portion of a interview with Dow Chemical representatives.
"Dow Chemical just launched a new product called specflex-C, a polyurathane material commonly used in seats, in NVH applications, the foams that dampen sound and that material is actually produced from a waste stream that we've identified that comes from the automotive industry. We've worked with a partner that trasforms that waste through a advanced recycling techniques into a nafta like feed that we introduced into our petrochemical complex and we make virgin like polyurethane material. So we're making polyole from a circular recoverd feed which allows, again, to introduce circular materials with a lower carbon footprint that are most importantly meeting all the peformance requirements that out customers have. These are truly virgin like performance polyeurethane material derived from a waste stream coming from the automotive industry. We are really excited about that technology. We continue to look for those opportunities. It's certainly something that our customers value and demand."
COMMENTS: What if NanoXplore and a "industrial titan" joint development partner could devise a proprietary process which would have NanoXplore's graphene product somehow incorporated in the process of recycling much of the polyurethane based foams which the automotive industry sector suppliers create and sell to the automotive manufacturers currently utilizing such polyurethane comprised materials in car seats, in NVH applications, the foams that dampen sound, etc?
We know that XG Sciences was manufacturing and supplying a polyurethane and graphene enhanced foam based product to Ford and we know that NanoXplore managed to convince the primary creditors of XG Sciences, of which Dow-DuPont was a primary creditor, to sell NanoXplore the various XG Sciences assets.
We suspect NanoXplore may have wanted to improve the more consistent quality and over all required chracteristics of XG Sciences' graphene enhanced polyurethane foam based product, which was being supplied by XG Sciences to Ford Mortor Co.
Is it possible that Dow representatives full well knew this and opted, as part of the negotiated sale of XG Sciences assets to NanoXplore, to pursue a certain graphene enhanced polyurethane based foam material products co-development project with NanoXplore?
Wow! Were it actually the fact that NanoXplore and a company similar to Dow (now Dow-DuPont) would be co-developing, manufacturing and co- branding and distributing a graphene enhanced polyurethane based foam product for the global automotive manufacturing industry, that would be a absolutely humongous company development. That would be "a tangible deliverable" which would put NanoXplore on the map, so to speak.
Oh well. While the share price is incessantly in the dumps, so to speak, one can always dream - dreams are, after all, free.