Consistent Project/Company Developments The green energy transition has continued to accelerate, with companies and governments increasing their investment in the space. This helps increase the demand for raw materials, pushing prices to the record levels we’re starting to see today. And with the Canadian government supporting the industry, there’s a significant amount of upside for companies in the exploration space as governmental support is key to a strong industry, especially with North America beginning to promote domestic manufacturing when it comes to things like EVs. GEMS has been consistently delivering some impressive results ever since they’ve begun drilling on its diversified set of properties. For example, the Buda Lithium project was expected to be completed on December 16th as results are being sent off to the lab.
- The Buda project is based on the recovery of grab samples of up to 367 ppm Li, 2,090 ppm Rb, and 4,200 ppm Be, and channel samples up to 1,408 ppm Rb over 4 metres.
- Beyond Buda, they just closed a $500,000 flow-through private placement to support exploration expenses.
- Massive graphite discovery at the Rockstone project helping increase the current known strike to 80m with 18 additional high-priority targets.
Considering the developments, GEMS is one to watch. Their diversified portfolio of properties is continually generating value for the company, especially with more results expected to come in from Buda once the lab results are returned. Only a $23M market cap here, so definitely keep an eye out for continued developments.
Check out this interview if interested for more detailed project updates: