GrahamB wrote: "RE:RE:Q1 2023 will be the first quarter with the full sales 33
Granhamf. :-) poor guy no shares with VPT in lack of attention who posts here and on ceo day and night why??? and idio sign :-) and who is bashing George A. Tomtec spam?"
Just posting facts and reposting yours and others posts to give context to your promotional statements now.
So, for example, in the past, the comments made, where you and others said that "the sales have already happened" and they will be on the future financials, but it’s just delayed because they haven’t been recorded yet. Please see below for a comment about this in October, about how we would be seeing Sales now
We have clarity from the company, but there’s only six sales in the entire year were they were supposed to be according to post here 40 to 100
By the way, never would bash GA, seems like a very respectful guy, and has really worked hard at this company when he holds so few shares, which is really surprising(many have posted they have more on these boards)
Most of my posts relate directly to posters here that are promoting the company, without factual basis , and also about the company performance, stated, milestones, and failure to achieve a number of these milestones over the past decade
Basically six sales, comes to a maximum of 200 to 300 K, but they are burning through 3,000,000+ in the last nine months
This isn’t fashion, this is just fact-based.
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theNorm (237) | October 04, 2022 11:04 pm
ending Sept 30 don't have to be reported on Sedar for 2 months nov 30 deadline probably. That will cover july 1 to Sept 30 Google "friends and family effect" or maybe try where you can also research non-disclosure agreement or NDA
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