New Dataup to date data is looking super strong, all beverages they are selling are being restocked and 5 are seeing much stronger penetration growth than other companies. This suggest they could have 5 beverages in the top ten within a couple of nonths ( thier financials do not show they have enough working capital to be doing this ). The projections based on the new rules are showing a massive spike in sales for most beverages and in particular 5 Phresh beverages and 2 Embody beverages. Those spikes should start to show up on the public web site that track sales,penetration and market share within a few weeks. Sites like headset will show which of the top ten beverages are seeing the stronger spikes in their sales. In my opinion this is about to show us if this company will be able to fill these additional strong spikes in orders, if they do it will tell us this company is a going to explode if they are not able to keep up with demand then it's will likely be a slow burn till lights out.