RE:RE:AECO prices very firmWhere are you deriving your AECO futures data? The Gas Alberta website has been a mess for the past couple of weeks with either no futures chart or a chart from a few months ago (as is currently the case). The daily prices are solid, but Peyto has minimal exposure to SPOT AECO, and with the frigid temperatures in Alberta right now, I'm sure the freeze offs continue (December newsletter) that are even further limiting that exposure. Fortunately Ventura prices shot up yesterday to nearly $30 per mmbtu, so hopefully that pricing hangs around for a few more days. Peyto missed the boat on Malin (hedged at less than $3 per mmbtu), as its been trading well north of $10 per mmbtu for the past couple of weeks All of Peyto's drilling rigs are down currently, but hopefully the January newsletter (provided it continues) will finally bring good news on the production front, as it's been essentially flat for several months due to one "excuse" or another.