RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:One interesting tidbit .......HighOctane89 wrote: robert41 wrote: No has to ask to comment but thankfully good people do...I think high octane got his decimal points in the wrong spots...thanks mikey and guido....deepvalue poster posts nonsense all the time....gotta admit had me fooled thought something was odd.
You people crack me up , do you really think that NYMEX HH is the price everywhere in the country ? My decimal points are not in the wrong places , those numbers are direct quotes from the EIA . If you want to learn something , the EIA nat gas storage report has a link on the lower right side . Click on Natural Gas Weekly Update , those prices top the "In The News" columm . The headline reads "Natural gas spot prices in the western United States nearly reached or exceeded $50.00/MMbtu in December"
If you did some research rather than regurgitate talking points for laughs , you might actually make some money .
All of the data you or your alter ego DeepValue88 quoted is accurate EXCEPT for Dawn, which you just seem to have fabricated. Correct me with a link if I'm wrong, though the link I provided from NaturalGasIntel seems to dismiss it. If we don't use facts, we lose credibility very quickly. I'm long too, so by all means keep pumping BIR...just please stick to facts as the investment (or trading) case!
Anyway, here's your link: