RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Hy guysjmaan wrote: right on Manitoba nice work! With a very upside down oil market seem like it's not really running on old school fundamentals ! So changed my stradigie from holding to flipping for now until I see this market getting back to fundamentals like it was! Holding my main core suncor, arx, but sold my Athabasca oil and baytex did great very happy returns $nbsp; back in ATHABASCA oil @ $2.15 around 410,000 shares and will probably sell it today will see, and buy back on the slide down! But eventually will hold for long term soon as I see oil markets not getting so manipulated...this way I'm killing it on every Pennie it's up! So Manitoba how's Life been seems your killing it...good to hear your doing well! Manitoba you have a very merry Christmas and looking forward to your posts..
Hey Jmaan friend ,great to hear from you man. Glad that u made a killing in Oilgas and didnt sell out too soon .
I was 100% Oilgas ,sold 75% near peaks and bought back some again to have a 50%Oilgas portfolio .
I am buying cheap REITs , old age homes and European stocks which are suddenly cheap due to falling Euro. Aiming to have passive income of 15k a month from REITS which means I need a 3 million REIT portfolio .Life is good and achieved FIRE .
Merry Xmas to you as well and look forward to your post. Ignore the guys here who are gaslighting you.
Lol , enjoy your money and leave them to do their daily quota of bashing posts .
Remember ,Bulls make money,Bears make money only bagholders get slaughtered .