Hummmmmm,,,the reality is,,,,,Midatech is NOT buying out Bioasis,,,, this bovine excrement of a statement fostered by Midatech in its press releases should be rebutted at every instance by shareholders.,,,are we really considered to be that stupid by these management teams???
A consortium of venture capitalist investors are taking out both companies with one shot!!,,Sort of a Robin Hood play!!,,,,only spoils wont be shared faifly as in the days of Mr. Hood!!, and management in both companies agree their assets and IP value is worth only a pittance!,,,,,,,,,,,,,, How things can change overnight!!!
The value in both has past for existing shareholders,, which was supported, bought and paid for by the existing shareholders with their out of pocket dollars!!,,the reaql value,, if any comes to fruition will be collected by the consortium!!!,,Not us!!!
The story never changed over the past decade,,it only got better which in effect netted more dollars from investors these past years. Pitiful all around!
So it must be clearly understood,,,,,,Biodexa managemnet will have no control in the business,,,they will do the science,,,,,certainly no control going forward as far as what if any profit existing shareholders might get,,,,,both companies will be owned by outside interests with each company having a poppers stake in the overall scheme of things!,,thats the facts,,and facts are important as we all know!!
Why vote at all is my question!!,,,everytime I see this bullboard my blodo pressure spikes!!