What is the actual current status? Level heads needed?
1. How much is owing to Wavefront? Who is/are the company(s) owing money to WEE? What course of action should occur?
2. How much does Wavefront need to keep operational?
3. Should Brett and Brad be held accountable? The board? Who is to blame? However, focus on fixing the current situation?
4. Can the company be streamlined with current account(s) so it is break even?
5. Partnership?
6. Who owns the technology and the proprietary Know-how?
7. What efforts did Brett and Brad put forth in the last year to avoid the current situation?
8. Are there qualified oil people who could take this to the next level?
9. Why didn't Brett and Brad reach out to the shareholders? A special emergency meeting, which could have drawn other people's input or support, could have possibly avoided the current situation.
feel free to brainstorm. The above list is not organized, only random thoughts.
You'd think they could have sold the tech for a two bits or at least a dime? Wtf?