RE:1 year price target.Amazing anyone can post total none sense under the guise of professional analysts Tm
wtf is that?
i have read detailed analysts reports.
from the likes of RBC & 3-4:others.
All saying the same thing.
"speculative buy"..
one year target average about $8 usd .low of $6 high of $18
RBC has the lowest at $6 CDN with a caveat of $18 upside, should they form a partnership.
none of then discuss a buy- out as that is pure speculation.
they ALL base numbers on present value calculation of future sales possibilities of Pela.
That being from their estimates of potential cancer treatments etc. about $5 billion/ year in sales.
The difference becomes at what discount is used on the present value calculation , of potential future income.
look up on investopedia " how to value a biotech"
great read.