Reply to MomocacoMomocaco wrote:
You should be polite MRMOMO, just because an investor doesn't agree with you doesn't mean you have to insult them. You do the same on the other posts. You try to scare investors by insuting them, so that they don't post positive about NILI. investors be careful not to confuse me with him my name is (( MOMOCAU )) GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL
Now i've seen it ALL LMAO. Being talked down to and given investment advice by possibly one of the worst investors on SH. Mr.Momocaco what you doing on this forum? What you doing on ANY forum outside Hexo really? Because of your transgressions against the humanities of the investing public, it was deemed you should spend the rest of eternity on the HEXO forum and be exiled there forEVER!
Talk about all the wierdos coming out of the woodwork in the first days of 2023. Jesus! Never did i epxect someone like MOMOcaco to come out of exile, a numbnutt investor reallly who rode down Hexo from $40 ALL THE WAY DOWN TO 0.04 AND IS STILL RIDING It DOWN LMAO
You can't make this stuff up my friends......
I'll leave it up to you guys on who's opinion you should trust here.....