Observations and ValuationI will KISS - the market is not closed yet, but this could be a 7 month high close at $.57. Last time it closed at $.57 was June 8, 2022. Observations on just how cheaply this EV is trading now vs June/22: 1) Price of Ni was about $10 vs $12-13 today 2) Co bought back $150mm of bonds at a discount to Par (reducing int exp along w/ lev) 3) Co has about C$75mm/ann coming in through the Co swap I won't go on about valuation because not sure many/any on this board look at it like I do (stop looking at PE, EPS for a co like this) but this thing is trading at about 1x 2023 Ebitda. I have been doing this 30yrs and never seen an EV that cheap...EVER.